The Quality Seal
for Beer

Beers bearing the Slow Brewing Quality Seal are simply exceptional. Perfectly balanced with more flavor, our premium quality beers can be enjoyed with a good conscience. Read more about the Quality Seal

A Passion for Quality

Although all of the member breweries chosen to receive the Quality Seal are quite diverse, they do have one thing in common: a passion for quality. Slow Brewers share a set of values which define how they produce beer. These values are reflected in their company philosophy and are based on a number of strict criteria. In order to become a certified Slow Brewer, it is essential that all of these strict criteria be fulfilled.



Simply taking the time necessary to brew beer well is fundamental to the philosophy of Slow Brewing. In contrast to accelerated industrial mass production, our members are committed to gradual fermentation and gentle maturation. And for good reason. In addition to using the purest natural raw materials, the factor of time is key in creating the outstanding flavor and enhanced positive attributes of Slow Beers.


Certified Slow Brewers know exactly what they are doing. They combine traditional brewing practices with expertise in modern brewing science and cutting-edge production technology.


SLOW Brewers increase beer lovers’ quality of life with their exceptional beers and mindful business practices rooted in integrity, all the while resolutely promoting sustainability and environmentally-friendly practices in their respective regions. This worldview includes taking future generations into consideration and also treating brewery employees and all those who are involved in the production process in an honest and fair manner.

Genuine & Deeply Rooted

SLOW Brewers appreciate and protect authenticity, which begins with pure ingredients and ends with high quality beers. A close connection to the region also plays a major role. SLOW Brewers live their passion for brewing remarkable beers entirely independent of corporations and their limitations. This fosters a rejection of the brewing practices designed to produce uniform beers and serves to protect the diversity so cherished among connoisseurs of good beer.

31 Recognized Breweries

in Germany, Italy, Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands The Slow Brewers


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